Sunday, December 5, 2010

Outback veganism

I finish work this Friday, then I have 6 weeks of holidays! Going to Melbourne for a month, and Fiji for 2 weeks. I can't wait, I've been in the outback for a year and it's really hard being vegan out here. The nearest supermarket is 3 hours away so it's not exactly easy to get fresh, live food. At the most I can eat fresh food for 3 or so days, depending on how often I can drive in to the city. Here's some fooooooood I've enjoyed the past 4 months, at home and in Darwin:

Sometimes I like to eat dinner next to the river, if I can be bothered I sit outside the fence, but we have lots of crocodiles and snajes so it's just less stressful to eat from the school grounds where I work! This is a chickpea burger sandwich and a green smoothie, my staple.

I got this from the vegetarian stall Lucky Cow at the Mindil Beach Market in Darwin. To be honest it was gross! And not actually what I asked for... I found the staff so rude and unhelpful... it's a shame because veggie options in Darwin are few and far between!

Frozen mango and blueberry smoothie! Just made with water... nothing else needed. I have mango trees in my backyard, so for a few months a year I'm the HAPPIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!

My brother makes the cutest Japanese food! He's moving to Japan in March and I'm visiting in April, I can't wait :D

Strawberries dipped in dairy-free chocolate... yum yum yum

The first thing I do when I drive to Darwin is head to the Rapid Creek market and get a fruit salad and icy lime juice.

Green smoothie! I stick with spinach, bananas and strawberries most of the time. Argh photobucket is annnooyyyinggg meeee, can't figure out why my photo won't flip. Grr.

And randomly. this is what kept me alive on a very long bus ride from Brussels to Barcelona back in July. So refreshing and delicious.

Monday, November 29, 2010


This is my personal vegan, travel etc blog where I'll talk about all kinds of crap, but mostly food! In the next couple of years I have trips planned to Fiji, Japan, Ireland, Italy and India to name a few, as well as lots of mini trips around Australia.

A little about me: I'm 26, originally from Melbourne and currently teaching in the Northern Territory. The title of my blog came from something I read by Victoria Boutenko in regards to eating live foods. I thought it was sweet and simple!

More soon!!